7 Best Clothing Colors to Enhance Your Look ...

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Many of us claim that a color just might not be for us, but some of the best clothing colors for women can actually apply to all of us. Are you curious what they are? Let me share them with you! I’ve based my wardrobe the last several years on these colors, because I know they’ll always look good, even if I’m without my summer tan. I also love these colors because they’re easy to mix and match and most all are perfect for wearing to the office if that applies to you. Try some of the best clothing colors for most all women, and start wearing them more often if you can.

1 Black

BlackMy absolute favorite color is one of the best clothing colors for all women. Black sends a message of sophistication, and a sense of professionalism. It’s also easy to work into your wardrobe, with just about any color. As a bonus, men love a woman in black, and it can add sex appeal, yet if worn right at the office, it can also send a message of class and leadership.

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2 Navy Blue

Almost no woman looks bad in navy blue. This color was incredibly popular in the early 90s and is making a huge comeback. Luckily, it looks good on most of us, since blue sends a message of comfort, safety and accountability. You can also pair it with black or brown colors, and it goes great with tan too! It’s also casual enough to be worn on the weekends, but also perfect for office attire too.

3 Cream

Cream is a nice color for women to wear because it adds softness, without too much “girly girl” signals like pink gives off. I love pink, but it’s not always best for every occasion. Cream, however, is slightly sophisticated, incredibly feminine, and on pale skin or dark skin, it looks amazing!

4 Purple

Purple is another color that you should definitely give a go this year. Purple in any shade is complementary to all hair colors and skin types, and it can easily be paired with black or brown pieces of clothing.

5 Brown

Brown might sound boring, but I personally love it. Brown is easy to pair almost any color with, it compliments most every skin type, and you can wear it right from one season to another. Besides, brown goes great with trendy leopard prints, and it also pairs perfectly with denim. In the office, it might seem boring, but actually sends a sense of accountability and classic style.

6 Emerald

Emerald green is a fabulous color for almost all women to wear. It adds a sense of vitality and life, and looks good no matter what your hair color or skin type. Emerald green is a more fun, adventurous color, which is perfectly fine for the office if paired with another basic color like black or brown. On the weekends, it can add a bit of flair to your outfit, whether through a scarf, piece of jewelry, or a killer belt.

7 Grey

Yes ladies, boring old grey is fantastic for your wardrobe! Grey is actually very appealing to men, especially because it sends a signal of comfort, coziness and softness. It’s also professional to wear to the office, and it matches nearly everything.

Most any shades of blues, greens, and more basic colors look good on almost everyone. Reds, pinks, oranges and yellows are all gorgeous, but look great on different skin types, due to how they work with your skin tone. What’s your favorite wardrobe color?

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