7 Can't-Miss Fashion Photo Ops to Capture This Fall ...

By Lyndsie2 Comments

7 Can't-Miss Fashion Photo Ops to Capture This Fall ...

Fashion photo ops in the fall are so fun. They're vibrant and lighthearted, but they can also be slightly melancholy and strongly evocative if you have a good eye, the right details and props, and an amazing setting. The changing leaves, the slate skies, and the vivid colors of the season all make gorgeous backdrops, so why not dress up in your favorite autumn outfit, bring your camera, and try out some of these can't-miss fashion photo ops?

1 Fashion at the Farmers Market

I don't know what it's like where you live, but in my little corner of New England, there are huge farmers markets everywhere, enormous roadside stands that pop up on the weekends, city-wide affairs that converge once a week, and smaller, cozier spots that you can visit every day of the week. Filled with seasonal flowers, fruits, and vegetables, they make wonderful spots for fashion photo ops. Try to find the most stunning foodie displays as backdrops for a favorite outfit.

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2 Posing in the Pumpkin Patch

The pumpkin patch pic is a must in autumn, don't you think? I'd suggest wearing something turquoise amidst all that orange, but anything would do – even a sleek sartorial choice based primarily around black. Whether you perch on a hay bale or go pick out a pumpkin, the entire festive atmosphere will easily show through in your photographs.

3 Lounging Amongst the Leaves

With the gorgeous backdrop of the changing leaves, need I say more? Whether you rake up a pile and grab a candid shot as you jump in or simply pose yourself in a field full of gorgeous trees, this picture's always a winner. You can either mimic the autumnal hues of the leaves or choose an outfit and makeup that create an eye-catching contrast to the reds, yellows, oranges, and golds.

4 Some Decadent Desolation

How about when the leaves start to fall? There's something beautifully melancholy and evocative about posing for a picture in front of barren branches – or maybe that's just me. Something like this would make a stunning black and white shot, or you could get a little Photoshop fancy and make your outfit, your makeup, your eyes, your hair, or just your lips the only colored objects in the picture.

5 Getting Sartorial in the Cemetery

This might just be me as well, but with so many breathtaking cemeteries in and around Salem, they make for some of my favorite photo locations. You don't have to get all morbid, but if there are any old cemeteries around you, you can make some really gorgeous juxtapositions. You'll be the brightest thing in the shot, and the most alive.

6 Gorgeous in the Gloaming

There's nothing in the world like an autumn dusk. The gloaming is my favorite part of the day in any season, but it's really magical in the fall. With the right lighting and an outfit that stands out, this is the perfect time to snap a really stunning fashion shot. Just make sure you catch it at the perfect moment – not too bright and not too dark.

7 Up a Tree and Too Cute

Back to all those awesome autumn leaves. Why not get up close and personal with them? Slip into your cutest outfit and climb up your favorite tree! This shot is just as fun as it is gorgeous – just be careful if you're wearing a skirt or a dress. No upshots!

Of course, all of these picture ideas work just as well on their own – you wouldn't necessarily have to make them fashion shots. That being said, bringing your own brightness into this vivid season can only make it more magical. After all, soon enough everything will be all grey skies and snow covered expanses. Are you planning to create your own fabulous fall fashion show?

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