7 Essential Items to Have for an Easy Transition into Fall ...

By Gillian7 Comments

7 Essential Items to Have for an Easy Transition into Fall ...

It’s not easy making that wardrobe transition into fall, but it needs to be done. Make sure you purchase some of those pieces within your summer wardrobe so you don’t need to have two complete, different wardrobes. Think smart when shopping in order to save yourself some money and think about the long term (although it doesn’t always work!). Here are some pieces I have found are key to the transition into fall.

1 A Great Pair of Boots

A Great Pair of BootsThis is the number one item you need to have for an easy transition into fall. Not only will you live in these, but also they are cute and acceptable for lots of occasions. Throw on these with a pair of leggings, a baggy sweater and your toque and you are set.

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2 Leather Jacket

If you don’t own a leather jacket, shame on you. There are plenty of great leather jackets you can get cheaply enough, and lots that look like leather but aren’t. I wear mine almost every day because the jacket literally goes with every outfit. You can make it glam with a dress, or wear it grungy with your leggings and boots.

3 A Pair of Black Leggings

Because I mean, ladies, fall means leggings and I couldn’t be happier. Those lazy and rainy days call for a little less fuss in an outfit, and leggings are perfect for that. I’ve seen girls wear these out (which I just am not sure about…), but these are perfect for your shopping trips, road trips, date nights and girls' nights. Make sure you have multiple pairs!

4 Plaid Shirt

This is a great layering piece that I love to wear underneath my leather jacket and with a great printed tee underneath. You can wear a plaid shirt to the fire at night, and also to the house party you’re going to next weekend. Pair it with jeans or a tight black skirt for a more ‘LA’ look.

5 Graphic Tees

These are just a given I think; a great piece to have easily available and if they are cropped, they are great to wear out at night. Go to a thrift store and look around in the men’s section. I get a lot of my graphic tees from there! They are great to cut up and make your own and no one else will have it.

6 A Great Maxi Skirt

I know every girl has one of these, and that’s perfect as it’s a great transition piece. We all wear them in the summer, but there is no need to put them away just yet. You can wear these skirts all throughout the fall until the snow starts to litter the ground. My only thing is, don’t wear those bright summer floral maxis in the fall. Make sure they are solid colours.

7 Converse

Make these your go to shoes with your fall outfits. They literally can go with every outfit, and are super comfortable and chic. Once they get worn in and a little dirty, they look even more chic for some reason. These are a great piece to have throughout the fall!

There really are so many pieces that you don’t have to put away after summer goes, but make sure you put away all your bright floral dresses. We need to learn how to let go of summer! Although I know we all don’t want to. What is your number one piece that you are obsessed with in the fall?

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