A pair of heels is the perfect accessory to accentuate any outfit to the next level. The right pair of heels will slim your legs, straighten your back and give you an excellent posture. Truth be told, some heels are easier to look at than they are to wear. Don’t let celebrities make you think wearing heels is a walk in the park while adorning their impeccable 9-inch heels. Some only wear the heels for ten, fifteen minutes for pictures on the red carpet.
Many are the days we ogle over elegant stilettos while window shopping which we would never clearly wear. There is no shame in admitting that a particular pair of heels is either too high or practically impossible to walk in. Nevertheless, every lady has their perfect pair of heels. Here are some few tips that will see you take on heel’s challenge gracefully;
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1. Pick Your Perfect Fit
Women come in different sizes and shapes, the same as the structure of our feet. The first step towards walking seamlessly in heels is picking the right pair of heels for your feet. As a beginner, don’t fall into the pressure wearing 9 inches only to go walking like a toddler. When purchasing the perfect pair of heels, go for quality and authentic material such as those from Celine. Do your fittings in the late afternoons when your feet are at their maximum. Don’t force your feet to fit in a particular pair of heels as they will only resort to corns and sore feet. It’s recommended to change your heels every four to six months.
2. It’s All about the Posture of Your Body
Effectively walking in heels has to be done in the correct posture. Wearing flats is quite easy as you just place your whole feet on the ground quite the opposite when it comes to wearing heels. Wearing heels takes a lot of practice to make sure the tip of the shoe goes first before the heel to maintain balance. Having a strong core and calves muscles comes in handy when wearing heels so make sure you put in some exercises regularly.
3. Walking in Small Strides
For a beginner, it’s advisable to walk in small steps in order not to hurt yourself. Walking in big steps will make you look wobbly and unnatural while walking. Don’t wear heels when in a rush to avoid falls rather go for flats or sneakers. Walking in heels is all about putting pressure in the right areas of your feet. Aching your feet slightly to the front will relieve the pressure from the tip and the middle of your foot. That allows you more control of your feet to avoid you sliding forward or worse yet, falling.
4. Take into Account the Surface You Are Walking in
Before stepping out in heels, plan your day. Take into account the areas and activities you will be engaging in to make your day easy. Walking in flat concrete surfaces is more manageable as compared to gravel or grass. These tricky surfaces need one to be more careful and on their tips most of the time.
When walking in heels, it is important to consider the surface you will be walking on. Flat concrete surfaces are easier to navigate in heels compared to uneven surfaces such as gravel or grass. If you know you will be walking on these types of surfaces, it is best to plan your day accordingly and choose a more comfortable shoe option. Additionally, take into account any potential obstacles such as stairs or curbs, and be prepared to adjust your stride accordingly. This will help prevent any potential accidents or discomfort while walking in heels.
5. Take Good Care of Your Feet
They say, ‘no pain, no gain.’ This cannot be further from the truth. You don’t have to put yourself through torture to look and feel magnificent. Taking good care of your feet will go a long way as you only got the two of them. Treat your feet to a massage once in a while in the beauty parlor or soak your feet in a sea salt bath from a hard day at work.