I don’t know about you, but I could spend hours researching fashion hacks. There’s just something about them that I love. Maybe it’s because I spent so much time in my teenage years dealing with fashion faux pas, but now that I can put an end to them with these fashion hacks, I gladly will. Regardless, if you’re looking for the best fashion hacks, you’ve come to the right place. These fashion hacks will seriously impress you!
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1. The Safety Pin Trick
If your shirt has a strange back, but you can’t possibly imagine forgoing a bra, a safety pin may just be in your near future. It’s a quick fix to any tricky and intricate outfits. Simply take a safety pin (or a few, if need be) and pin it so it hides your straps while still giving you support. For example, if you’re wearing a racer back tank top, pin your bra straps together to create an x-formation. It will hide your bra straps and still provide support!
2. Use a Flat Iron as a Clothes Iron
Whether you’re traveling or simply can’t be bothered to pull out your iron, you’ve just found a clothing hack that doesn’t require a shower, steam, or something else that’s equally as difficult. Simply pull out your flat iron and iron out the small wrinkles in your clothes. This hack may just be reserved for small wrinkles, but it will definitely come in handy during a time of desperation!
3. Break in Your Shoes without the Pain
Since the day I started wearing heels, my mom has always lectured me to break them in beforehand to avoid blisters and general pain. However, that requires walking around my house in the shoes, and that sounds just as painful. Instead, put some socks on, put your shoes on, and then blow-dry your shoes on high heat to break them in without the pain!
4. Fix Scuffs with Vaseline
There is nothing worse than pulling out your favorite pair of shoes, only to find scuffs all over them. If you have patent leather shoes that you don’t like wearing anymore because they’re covered in scuffs, fix that with some Vaseline! Simply rub into the scuffs to smooth over the scuffs, and spray with Windex to get some of the shine back.
5. Use Vaseline on a Tricky Zipper
Vaseline is a cure-all, in my opinion, especially when it comes to clothes. How many times have you had a zipper that got stuck, not because your clothes were too small, or it got stuck on a fabric, but just because it wasn’t a great zipper? It happens to me entirely too often, and this hack has been a lifesaver. Rub some Vaseline onto the problem area, and the zipper will slide up and down with no issues!
6. Spray Tights with Hairspray
I was a dancer for fifteen years, which means that I picked up a zillion little clothing hacks every recital season. This tip was one of the most helpful I came across, and yet I completely forgot about it until just recently. I love wearing tights in the winter to help stay warm, but I hate how easily they tear. To avoid tears, spray your tights with hairspray. It reinforces them enough to keep them from tearing, which in the long-run, will save you so much time and money!
7. Wear a Tank Top between Your Button-up and Sweater
I love the “sweater over a button-up” trend, but I’ve never been able to get it just right. However, this hack changed all of that. Wear a tank top between the button-up and sweater to slim the look down and hide the buttons from protruding. It seems like a simple tip, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t think of it!
What are your favorite clothing hacks? Have you tried any of these out? Leave your favorites in the comments so I can try them out!
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