7 Fashion Staples for Cooler Weather to Have in Your Closet ...

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7 Fashion Staples for Cooler Weather to Have in Your Closet ...

I’m all about keeping warm during the cooler months, and fashion staples for cooler weather help me do just that! It’s time to switch out those crop tops, tank tops and shorts, and trade them for boots, jeans and jackets! With the turn of the seasons, you definitely have to keep certain things in your closet that are versatile and go with everything. And, these fashion staples for cooler weather should do the trick. Check them out!

1 Leather Jacket

Leather JacketWhat is autumn without a leather jacket? An incomplete one for sure ! Leather jackets are always chic fashion staples for cooler weather to keep in your closet. They go with basically everything, and they look great! Get them in classic colors like tan and black to maximize use and versatility!

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2 Sweater Dress

A sweater and a dress at the same time? Yes, that’s the goal: warm, comfy, and stylish! Sweater dresses are adorable and look great with a nice pair of boots. Such a simple fashion staple to have in your closet for cool weather!

3 Boots

You just can’t talk about cool weather without mentioning boots. They are the shoe leaders in fashion in the cooler months. And, it’s so easy to know why! They go with anything, and there’s so many different styles you can match things with. Combat, high heeled, cowgirl, leather, you name it, and you can add it easily to your wardrobe!

4 Infinity Scarf

I own about 20 different scarves because it’s a great accessory and keeps you warm! Infinity scarves are even better because they look really fashionable! They wrap neatly around your neck, but still have a fluffiness that is chic and adorable. They’re not super expensive either, and they come in so many cute patterns. It’s definitely a must-have!

5 Knit Socks/ Tights

Wearing shorts, skirts or a dress in the cooler months might look cute, but may leave you feeling rather chilly. But, if you have knit socks, like knee highs/ over the knees, and tights, you’ll still look cute and be warm at the same time! You could get creative with it and buy them in funky patterns and colors too!

6 Nice Pair of Jeans

I live in jeans. If I could wear jeans everyday, I totally would. But, my wishes aside, jeans are super essential to a fall and winter wardrobe! They tuck perfectly into any boots you might wear. And, let’s face it, boots rule in the cooler weather! Plus, they make your butt look perky and awesome. What’s better than that? Not much, I’d say!

7 Cardigan

Cardigans are a nice way to keep warm and still look fashionable in cool weather. They are really cute, and give an overall pulled togetherness to your look. I personally love hoodies too, but they aren’t the most chic way to keep warm, so cardigans will do a-okay! You could get them in basic colors, or get funky and try wild colors and patterns. It’s up to you!

These fashion staples for cooler weather are always in style for one reason: they’re classic! If you go too trendy, you run the risk of not liking it next season. Stick to fashion staples, and build around them to create the perfect wardrobe for the colder months! What are some of the fashion staples in your closet? Do you agree with the ones I listed here?

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