7 Quick Tricks for Stealing Taylor Swift's Street Style ...

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7 Quick Tricks for Stealing Taylor Swift's Street Style ...

If you’re anything like me, you spend an inordinate amount of time gawking over Taylor Swift’s street style. Ever since her move to New York, it’s nearly impossible to go a full day without seeing her latest perfectly put-together outfit as she walks down the streets of Manhattan. If you’re looking to steal Taylor Swift’s street style, this list will help you achieve just that!

1 Shop at H&M

Shop at H&MTaylor Swift may be one of the most successful people in the music industry this year, but she’s just like us—she shops at H&M! You would be surprised at just how many of your favorite Taylor Swift street style pieces actually came from your favorite store at the mall. If you’re looking to steal Taylor Swift’s street style, the first place to look is H&M!

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2 Invest in Basics

Lately, Taylor Swift has been rocking basics more often than not. These days, if you see her photographed on the street, she’s wearing a really great blue sweater or green trench coat. It seems like her rule of thumb these days is “Don’t wear anything you might regret in a few years’ time.” That’s something to think about when you’re shopping for your own basic staples!

3 Look for Bright Statement Pieces

Who can forget that gorgeous yellow peacoat Taylor Swift wore when walking down the streets of New York this fall? When Taylor Swift does color, she does it in a big way, with a statement piece like that yellow coat. If you’re looking to add color to your wardrobe with a bit of Taylor Swift flair, looking for bright coats or pants is the way to go!

4 Carry a Small Bag

Taylor Swift’s purses are, in my opinion, what pulls all of her outfits together. Thankfully, purses just like the gorgeous bags Taylor carries all the time are now readily available at a fraction of the price from some of your favorite stores, like Target and Forever 21! Wear it balanced on your forearm like she does, and you’ll pull off her street style just as well!

5 Cut Your Hair

If you’re really looking to steal Taylor Swift’s street style, cut your hair. It may be drastic if you don’t like to cut your hair, but hear me out! Didn’t it seem like all of Taylor’s outfits instantly became more chic after she cut her hair into that adorable bob? It may be just what your fashion sense needs to revitalize itself a little bit!

6 Imagine You’ll Be Photographed

Imagine you’re Taylor Swift for a few moments. Before you leave the house, you have to think about the hundreds, or even thousands of eyes, that are going to be on you. There will be paparazzi, fans, and even just random people on the street who know you and will want pictures of you. Needless to say, that’s going to make you think a little bit longer before you step outside.

7 Stalk Taylor Swift Style Blogs

Those Taylor Swift style blogs are great at finding Taylor’s outfits almost immediately after she steps out in them. Whether you’re looking for the perfect match to your favorite Taylor Swift outfit, or you’re simply looking for something inspired by her outfits, you’ll find it on the Taylor Swift style blogs!

What tips do you follow for copying Taylor Swift’s awesome street style? Leave your own tips in the comments!

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