19 Signs You Have Too Many Clothes


19 Signs You Have Too Many Clothes
19 Signs You Have Too Many Clothes

Is there such a thing as too many clothes? We're glad you asked. While shopping may be fun and therapeutic, you know how easily things can get *ahem* out of hand. Before you know it, your closet is full, your room looks like a war zone, and you have no idea how you got there! Do these gifs describe your life?

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1. A Lot of Your Clothes Still Have Tags on Them

A Lot of Your Clothes Still Have Tags on Them Of course you'll wear them all someday.


But let's be real, they've been hanging in your closet for months, maybe even years. Every time you open your wardrobe and see those pristine tags staring back at you, it’s a glaring reminder of your retail optimism. It was love at first sight in the store, yet at home, they just don’t seem to make the cut for your daily ensemble. Face it, those tag-laden clothes are more likely waiting for a special occasion that never comes or simply a shopping thrill that's lost its buzz. It might be high time to consider clearing out some of those unworn treasures.

2. Sometimes, You Find Clothes That You Don’t Even Remember Buying

long hair, fashion, atil, Actually, this happens more often than you’d like to admit.

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3. You Can Barely Contain Your Excitement when It’s Sale Season

You Can Barely Contain Your Excitement when It’s Sale Season You HAVE to hit all your favorite stores….obviously!

4. You Find Excuses to Buy Clothes You Don’t Really Need

You Find Excuses to Buy Clothes You Don’t Really Need "But...but...I don't own a dress in this shade of green."

5. You Actually Get Pretty Good at Finding Space for All Your New Clothes...

room, closet, boutique, shopping, aT4, Good job, brain.

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6. You Have the Same Outfit in Different Colors Just Because It Fits so Well!

You Have the Same Outfit in Different Colors Just Because It Fits so Well! Can't argue with that.

7. Carrie Bradshaw is Your Hero

Carrie Bradshaw is Your Hero She gets you.

8. You Don’t Have to do Laundry Often but when You do, It's a Long, Boring Process...

You Don’t Have to do Laundry Often but when You do, It's a Long, Boring Process... There's just too much dirty laundry!

9. You've Reached the "can't Close Your Dressers Anymore" Point...

THAT?, CAN'T, EVEN, TALK, ABOUT., And you can't be bothered to try anymore.

10. You Own a LOT of Hangers ....

You Own a LOT of Hangers .... and they still seem to be on your shopping list all the time.

11. Sometimes It Feels like You Have Nothing to Wear!

Sometimes It Feels like You Have Nothing to Wear! Water, water, everywhere…

12. When Your Significant Other Tells You That You Have a Problem…

When Your Significant Other Tells You That You Have a Problem…

13. You Love Giving Away Your Old Clothes to Charity

You Love Giving Away Your Old Clothes to Charity Not just because it feels good, but because you just created more space for new clothes!

14. The Postman is Your Friend...

FEDER, "Show me the package."

15. As Are the Sales People in Your Favorite Stores

As Are the Sales People in Your Favorite Stores You probably see them more often than you do some of your friends and family.

16. Going on a Vacation? You Pack an Empty Bag Just for Shopping

Going on a Vacation? You Pack an Empty Bag Just for Shopping Bangkok, here I come.

17. Your Friends Know They Can Always Rely on You to Borrow a Special Outfit

Your Friends Know They Can Always Rely on You to Borrow a Special Outfit After all, what are friends for?

18. You May Be Broke, but You’ll Find a Way to Shop...

album cover, CAN, LEANY, PERMANENT, buLL, You don’t really need to eat three times a day, do you?

19. You Consider Shopping a Legitimate Form of Exercise

human action, hair, person, image, nose, It's not easy to walk from store to store, try on clothes, and win the tug-of-war for that last item of clothing you want.

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Love it. Although, seriously, too many clothes? Never!

Great points. My wardrobe is bursting at the seams but a girl can never have too much clothes

Do a clear up it helps And buy good clothes it lessens too much junk!

Lol! Funny but SOOO true guide! Lol

I guess I have these problems but still I feel I have nothing to wear

Some of these... Ok fine... Most fit but hey I'm a fashion student so I'm sticking with that excuse. Lol

There's no such thing as too many clothes!

I have laughed too hard to keep my entrails in place! Fantastic job Karen! They've moved!!

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