8 Spring Colors to Be on the Lookout for ...

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8 Spring Colors to Be on the Lookout for ...

With spring finally here, it's time for you to know all about the hottest spring colors for 2013! Whether you want to incorporate some of these spring colors into your wardrobe or you want to freshen up your apartment for spring with some awesome colored accents, these are some great colors to try! For me, I personally love anything lime green and fuchsia, so I'm right on target!

1 Lime Green

Lime green is so, so hot this season! Not only is this one of the top spring colors to watch out for, but it's one of the few colors that you can wear a lot of and still look amazing! For me, I incorporated a lime green clutch, some amazing lime green makeup accents and some lime green heels – all in one day and it was amazing!

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2 Fuchsia

Fuchsia is another great color that you need to watch out for this season! This is more of a berry pink and honestly, it's so, so cute! Whether you are rocking fuchsia pink hair bands or heels or you want a pop of color in your shirt, this is a great accent color that will really make you stand out! Give it a try and let us know how you incorporate this amazing spring color!

3 Poppy Red

Now, I am not the hugest fan for red, but this brand new poppy red that everyone is talking about is actually really cute! On my last manicure, this is the color that I got and I love it! It's a deeper red, a little brighter and is super spring-like in all of the best ways!

4 Nectarine

If you are someone that loves orange but don't ever think that you can pull it off, this is the color for you. This orange is soft, it's natural, it's something that you can wear with with a neutral ensemble, just for a pop of color. It looks great with any other color and it's very complementary.

5 African Violet

While I never thought that I could pull off purple anywhere or anytime, I actually love this color. It's super toned down, totally deep and absolutely one of the best colors for spring! It's a color that most people have fallen in love with in the flower, but don't remember that they can wear too!

6 Emerald

You've probably been seeing this spring color popping up everywhere, right? I know that I have! From the runways all the way to girls getting emerald on their nails. This amazing color is so deep, so rich and it's ideal for spring! Emerald for 2013 is the ultimate spring color!

7 Grayed Jade

If lime green and emerald are not favorites, why not give a try to this amazing greenish gray? It might sound a little weird to mix those two colors together, but grayed jade is not only super hot this season, it's also one of those colors that you can pair with so many other colors!

8 Lemon Zest

Finally, if you want to really brighten up your look, lemon zest yellow is the way to do it! It's a bright, but not too bright yellow and it's so deep! I love this color and I think that it looks incredible on everyone!

These are just a few of the spring colors that you should watch out for, do you have any more? Do you have colors that you absolutely love and can't live without for the spring? Tell us about it!

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