This is What You Should Be Wearing to Get the Job You Want ...


When it comes to job interviews or simply your job in general, it can be a nerve-wracking process, especially when it comes to what you’re wearing. Most of the time, your fashion choices are the first thing your potential employer or current employer will notice when you meet. Depending on your career path, your wardrobe choices could change drastically. In the end, you know what is and isn’t appropriate for the career path you love, but these tips will definitely help you get there!

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1. Dress for Your Career Path

You know what your career path is. If you’re going into fashion, go a little crazier with your work wardrobe. If you’re going into accounting, keep it a little bit more conservative. Only you can determine what is and isn’t appropriate for your particular career path, so let that be reflected when you go to job interviews.

2. Get Your Basics and then Branch out

No matter what your career path is though, start with your basics. Get a classic pencil skirt, a button-down, and a cardigan. After that, start to branch out and let your work environment influence your wardrobe and give it a little bit more personality.

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3. Find a Happy Medium between Fitting in and Standing out

When it comes to a work wardrobe, you don’t necessarily want to stand out in a bad way, especially when you’re starting a new job. As you continue to work at your new job, you’ll get a better understanding of the fashion in your workplace and how you can find a happy medium between fitting in and standing out.

4. First Impressions Matter

As much as we don’t want it to be true, we create opinions about people mere seconds after meeting them. If you’re trying to get a new job, worry about the first impression you’re making to your potential employers. Those first few seconds are where it counts, in the long run, so spend extra time on your fashion choices!

5. Let Your Personal Style Influence Your Work Wardrobe

As you get more comfortable at your place of work, let your own personal style in. Let it influence your work wardrobe. If you love bright colors, start wearing bright pieces to work. If you love accessories, starting incorporating them into your work wardrobe. It’s all about gradually making your work wardrobe your own!

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6. Put Extra Thought into Your Shoes

Whether you’re going on a job interview or starting a new job, think about your shoes more than anything else in your outfit. Chances are that you’ll have to spend a lot of time in your shoes, so spend extra time when you’re planning your new work wardrobe!

7. Let the Color Scheme Reflect the Event

Be able to read the event you’re at. If you’re going to a job interview, wear a more muted color scheme. When the event calls for it, go crazier with color. It’s all about learning what’s acceptable and what isn’t at your potential place of work.

What are your tips for dressing right to get the job you want? It can always be a gamble, but in the end your fashion choices are just as important as the interview, so spend some time thinking about them! Let me know what your go-to tips are in the comments!

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