We do it all the time, sometimes without even meaning to — judging each other based on how we're dressed. We know on a logical level that it's plain silly to think a woman is a prude because she's wearing flats, or a prostitute because she's wearing a low-cut top, but these three images, created by artist Theresa Wlokka (and students at the Miami Ad School in Germany), drive that point home.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Your Shirt
Yes, wearing a turtleneck doesn't make you a prude, any more than leaving a few buttons undone makes you a slut. And where does a girl find that halfway-between-bore-and-tease top? Please.
2. Your Skirt
It's just as ridiculous to measure the worth of a woman against the length of her skirt. If she's wearing a short skirt, maybe she's warm? Maybe she likes her legs? Who are we to judge?
It's just as ridiculous to measure the worth of a woman against the length of her skirt. If she's wearing a short skirt, maybe she's warm? Maybe she likes her legs? Who are we to judge? Perhaps, she's *expressing herself*, feeling confident, or embracing her *sense of style*. **Clothing choices** should not dictate a woman's value or merit. Society needs to move past archaic *judgments* and recognize that a woman's autonomy in her fashion doesn't equate to a moral or ethical statement. Everyone deserves respect.
3. Your Heels
Every time I see a woman in high heels, I'm sorely tempted to ask her to teach me how to walk in them without wobbling — I'm certainly not judging her character.
I have a serious love/hate feeling toward these images, but I suppose that's the point, right? How do you feel about these photos? Have you ever been judged on what you were wearing?
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