7 Ways to Color Block Your Professional Wardrobe ...


7 Ways to Color Block Your Professional Wardrobe ...
7 Ways to Color Block Your Professional Wardrobe ...

How to wear color block in professional environment without looking too casual, too dressy or simply too oblivious of your age and work position? Well, don’t worry –color block fashion can be worn in many ways which means that you’ll have complete freedom in deciding on whether you want to switch to it completely or simply integrate it into your existing look. So let’s go through some color block basic:

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Classic Silhouette + New Colors

Invest in a few color block basics such as a pair of high waisted pants in either jade or navy blue, pencil skirt in soft, orangey red and a range of feminine, free-flowing silk or chiffon blouses in yellow, grass green, purple and rosy pink. These wonderful items will enable you to create a range of different bold outfits while keeping that elegant, sophisticated, work-appropriate silhouette!


Fool-Proof Color Coordination

If shock & awe strategies are not your style but you still want to learn how to wear color block in professional environment, I’d suggest opting for less striking color combos. Wear your favorite brown pants with bold green or yellow blouses, your dark greens with purple, red and yellow etc. This look gives you a lot of room for creativity and accessories so keep reading to find out how to dress it up.


Accessorize Much?

If you’re going to go all out and have fun clashing bold, strong colors, I suggest keeping your accessories minimal. A statement ring would fit in nicely and the same could be said for thin gold/silver chains or bracelets. Anything more than that could make your look go from «business chic» to «business freak» and, believe me, your co-workers and superiors won’t find that appropriate. If you, in the other hand, plan to go for a subtle, fool-proof look, chunkier jewelry and thin bright belts are the perfect finishing touch that will make your outfit pop.


Gooooo Neutrals!

Mixing neutral pieces with bright ones is one of the basic rules of color block fashion! There is a little catch – though! You see, in color blocking world there is a whole lot of neutrals and, by that, I don’t mean just plan nude, beige, camel or black. You can opt for metallic or even animal prints to tone your look down and, although animal is not something I’d recommend for work, a pair of metallic strappy sandals or glossy patent nude pumps could prove to be exactly what the doctor has ordered!


All –in –One, Anyone?

How to color block if you don’t have a lot of colorful clothes or a lot of free time to get creative? Don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to get your share of the action! Simply choose a piece that will do all the work for you (color block dress or shoes, for example) and accessorize it accordingly! It sounds like cheating but, believe me, even celebrities are not above it! How else would you explain the fact that most of those oh-so-trendy divas couldn’t work up a decent look for themselves but had to buy an ENTIRE Gucci runway outfit instead!

Famous Quotes

Silence at the proper season is wisdom, and better than any speech.


Dose It

Color block fashion doesn’t have to chew you up and spit you out just so people can say «Oh my God, you are sooo trendy». Especially if we’re talking workplace where professionalism should, after all, be the first and the most important thing. You can keep all of your black pieces and still look ubertrendy by changing the rules and playing only the cards that work for you. Simply get a pair of gorgeous color block pumps, add a matching belt and an equally cool neutral or metallic bag and you can continue wearing the same clothes you normally wear.


Knits & Scarves

Invest in a bright-colored scarf (see Pucci), a yellow foulard and a blue, green or purple cardigan and you’ll have a versatile yet refined look for every season! Wear a scarf or foulard only if you want to brighten up a dark business outfit, add a skinny belt to kick the color up a notch and, finally, throw on that cardigan and belt it to pull off a perfectly refined yet fun look everyone will love.

Do you have any fresh ideas on how to wear color block in the office? Do you even like color block fashion? I absolutely and totally do although I still haven’t had a chance to experiment as much as I wanted.

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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