One of the easiest ways to serve your community is to give to a clothing donation. You may think that you simply have nothing to offer, but that is certainly not true. Just look into your closet and I’m sure you will find many items that others will find worthy of donation. Follow these few suggestions on ways to select clothes for a clothing donation, and I’m sure that you will be itching to donate every few months.
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1. Pick a Few Pieces That You Love
I think this is one of the best ways to give to a clothing donation. It is all too easy to donate things that you do not want, but what of those pieces that you treasure the most? Why can't you part with them? After all, these are but articles of clothing, nothing that means more than the person that it would provide warmth to. I challenge you to really give of yourself and part with at least one piece of clothing that you love.
2. Select Clothes That You Have Never Worn
Retail therapy is amazing. However, shopping without a purpose often leaves us with clothes that we simply do not need or will never wear. It is ok to part with those items, you know. It is perfectly alright to simply give away clothes that still have a tag on them, clothes that were supposed to be worn months ago but are just sitting in shopping bags. Just imagine the joy you had when you bought the clothes. Now, someone else will get to experience that.
3. Hand-Me-Downs
Any younger brother, cousin, sister, etc. will tell you that they wish hand-me-downs were never created. It is ok, there is someone out there who will appreciate them. All you have to do is pack them up for donation. In most cities, companies asking for donations will even pick them up from your house if you notify them.
4. Ask Family and Friends
Just like you have unwanted items, I’m sure your family and friends do too. Don’t be shy. Just ask around.
5. Doubles and Triples
If you are like me, you will buy doubles and triples of items just because you don’t think you have enough. Well for one...Stop buying so much. Two: give some of it away. No one, and I mean no one, needs so many clothes. You can’t wear it all at once.
6. Accessories Count Too
Many clothing donation companies and drives will gladly accept donations of jewelry and accessories. Places such as Goodwill and The Salvation Army stores will often sell those items. So sift through you collection and pick out a few pieces that you want to give away.
7. Be a Repeat Giver
It would great if you could donate ten bags worth of clothes at one time. However, that is not always possible. Why not donate a little each time? That way even if it is hard for you to give stuff up, you can still make an impact. You gift will be appreciated each and every time.
There is no perfect recipe when it comes to selecting clothes for a clothing donation. The key point is that you are giving. You should do this as an act of kindness, even if you are the only one that knows about it. What are some ways that you give even when you know you will not be acknowledged?
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