7 Ways to Wear Chevron Print This Spring ...

By Alicia3 Comments

Are you wondering what would be some great ways to wear chevron print this spring? Chevron print is hot right now. It seems like you see it everywhere you look. Let’s talk about some of the most fashionable ways to wear chevron print. You can decide which one fits you best.

1 A Chevron Maxi

A Chevron MaxiChevron maxis are one of the popular ways to wear chevron print this spring. You can find them at so many different places. I even saw several different colors of chevron maxis at my local Walmart. All you have to do is pair it with a solid top and sandals, and you have a great spring outfit. You can wear this combo in so many different situations and settings.

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2 A Chevron Tunic

The chevron tunic is also very fashionable. You can wear it with leggings or skinny jeans. It is an outfit that can be worn at the office or out on the town. This is an option I have been particularly tempted to purchase. I think a chevron tunic would be a very versatile item to have in your closet.

3 Chevron Nails

Chevron nails are extremely popular. It is easy to see why, too. It is an easy and economical way to wear chevron. It is also a great way to try this trend out to see if you like it. Chevron nails are also something you can do yourself; it really isn’t complicated. For starters, try this design out on an accent nail.

4 A Chevron Purse

Chevron purses are popping up everywhere. It actually makes me a little sad because I have already purchased a purse for spring and don’t need another one. But if I did, I would certainly be getting a chevron purse. They are so cute and fashionable. They are also a great choice for a lady of any age to carry.

5 A Chevron Tank

A tank top with a chevron design is a great way to wear chevron this spring. It is a casual option. You can wear a chevron tank with shorts, a skirt or even a pair of jeans. I actually purchased one in coral for myself and one in bright yellow for my daughter. We can’t wait to try them out.

6 A Chevron Scarf

Chevron scarves are a way to wear this fashionable print without spending a lot of money on the trend. I have seen them as low as five dollars. All you need to do is pair it with a t-shirt and you are good to go. It is also a great option for those cool spring mornings when you don’t know exactly what to wear. It is a spring look with a little bit of warmth to it.

7 A Chevron Bathing Suit

There are a lot of options in chevron print bathing suits this year. I was actually quite surprised to see how many different chevron bathing suits there are. It is definitely the print to wear to the beach or pool this year. This print is so trendy that it will be attention grabbing and direct attention away from any body flaws you may be concerned about. All anyone will see is the cute suit you are sporting.

These are 7 different ways that you can wear chevron print. How do you plan to wear this very popular design this spring? I can’t wait to let your ideas inspire me!

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