Amazing Hacks for Finding the Best Bargains in Thrift Stores ...

Carly Mar 31, 2018

Amazing Hacks for Finding the Best Bargains in Thrift Stores ...
Amazing Hacks for Finding the Best Bargains in Thrift Stores ...

Looking for the best hacks for finding bargains at the thrift store? When you’ve got a little extra cash in the bank, it is always nice to go ahead and treat yourself in a couple of designer stores, but let’s be real, this isn’t the norm for most of us! On the days when you want to introduce some new items into your wardrobe but don’t have the funds to hit the high street, you know that the only place to get down to is the local thrift store! They might have something of a reputation, and no doubt there are some bad ones out there, but on the whole, thrift stores can be a total treasure trove of fashion goodness just waiting for you to uncover the secrets! It really is all about knowing the tricks of the trade. Here are some of the best hacks for finding bargains at the thrift store.

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1. Look for Functionality

Once you find a good looking garment, make sure that you check it still has all of its functionality before you buy. It might be in the thrift store because it has holes in its pockets or its zipper only goes half way. You wouldn’t know any of these important details if you didn’t try it on in store! This is one of the best hacks for finding bargains at the thrift store.

2. Be Realistic about Stains

If a garment still has stains on it when on the rack, remember that the previous owner and thrift store staff will probably have washed it to get it to this point, so those stains might just be permanent. If it’s dirt cheap, then it might be worth the risk, but just know that you might never be able to restore the item to its original glory.

3. Don’t Automatically Disregard Rips

In an interesting twist of fashion fate, the trend for ripped clothing is so hot right now that a thrift store feels like the perfect place to pick up some on style pieces! Ripped jeans are a staple of most thrift stores, so you might find exactly what you are looking for, but also remember that some tears in clothing can be very easily fixed with a quick stitch at home.

4. Statement Pieces

Retro and quirky fashion is very much in right now, and thrift stores can be treasure troves of weirdly bold and flashy statement pieces from eras gone by! There is no point going for simple black tees at such at a thrift store because they are pretty much cheap everywhere. What you should be looking for are items that look similar to ones that are being sold at popular online fashion retailers for the eight times the price! The more retro and interesting, the better!

5. Double Check

If you don’t like to try things on in store, then at least make sure that you double check the sizes of everything before you buy. With so much stuff to get through, thrift store workers have been known to assign the wrong hangers to garments, and you don’t want to be left disappointed and out of pocket when you get home.

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