Bras are supposed to shape and lift our breasts, but sometimes even something like putting them on incorrectly can actually stop them from doing what they're meant to do - even though you might not realise what you're doing wrong! Here we'll explain the right way to put on a bra in an easy step by step guide 😉 😊 👙
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1. Get a Proper Fitting
Before you can put your bra on the correct way, first you should go set a proper fitting to see what size you actually are according to a pro! This is a much better approach than simply guessing or estimating what size you are without knowing for sure. You can get a bra fitting at pretty much any store that sells nice underwear and lingerie.
2. Loosen the Straps
Once you've had a fitting and you've purchased in a bra in the correct size for you, it's good to ensure that the straps are loose. If they aren't like this originally, you can always loosen them yourself by pulling the little clasp downwards, or away from your shoulders, on either side. It's important that the straps are loose while you put it on, since you'll have to pull it up over your arms and you don't want an unnecessary strain on the fabric.
3. Straps Come First
The next step is to make sure you put the straps on before you hook the bra. This is the best way to ensure you don't stretch it any further than necessary. The worst thing you can do is clasp it together beforehand and then try to pull the whole thing over our head - this will overly stretch the fabric.
4. Use the Correct Hook
The loosest hook is the one you should always use when you purchase a new bra. This is because it won't have stretched yet so it will probably be quite tight for the first couple of wears. Over time, however, it will stretch out and this is when you'll need to switch to one of the hooks to make it tighter.
5. Make It Tighter
Now that you've put your bra on and used the correct hook, the next thing to do is to make the straps tighter. This is especially needed if the bra is not sitting comfortably against your breasts and there's a gap in between. Tighten the straps on your bra by pulling the little clasps upwards or towards your shoulders on either side.
6. Scoop Them in
Next, reach into each cups and lift each of your breasts so that they're completely sitting inside the bra. It can also help to use opposite hands and scoop them up by grabbing from the outside.
7. And if It's Still Not Working...
Sometimes things like the style of a bra will stop it from fitting you properly, no matter what you do! This is when you should start looking for a different style and try to avoid buying the style(s) that don't work for you.