7 Fashionable Female Characters on TV Today ...


7 Fashionable Female Characters on TV Today ...
7 Fashionable Female Characters on TV Today ...

I love seeing fashionable female characters on TV today, because it inspires me to kick up my wardrobe. It also helps me invest myself in the characters. If she looks great most of the time, I definitely won’t want to miss an episode just to see what she’s wearing. Total fashion inspiration! So here are my top 7 fashionable female characters on TV today!

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1. The Mindy Project- Mindy Lahiri

The Mindy Project- Mindy Lahiri I love the Mindy project because her character is loveable and so entertaining. She’s a sassy doctor, educated, hilarious… and you guessed it, fashionable! She puts together some funky things — and looks great doing it. It’s refreshing to see a curvy woman of color as the lead, and one of the most fashionable female characters on TV today to boot!

2. New Girl - Jess

New Girl - Jess I love Zooey Deschanel as Jess because she’s the quirky, off beat weirdo in all of us. She has awesome style too. Her is style is very hipster, but surprisingly feminine as well. Her look is great because it can be easy to incorporate the style she rocks into your everyday wear!

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3. Scandal - Olivia Pope

Scandal - Olivia Pope Who doesn’t admire Olive Pope? She’s absolutely gorgeous, smart, and can totally handle her own. Olivia Pope is fierce because she is very in control of her life and what she expects from others. This definitely shows in her wardrobe. She wears some of the best power suits and show-stopping gowns I’ve seen on TV this year!

4. The Carrie Diaries - Carrie Bradshaw

The Carrie Diaries - Carrie Bradshaw We all know how amazingly fashionable Carrie was on Sex in the City. Now we see that same fashion sense when Carrie was a teenager, in the 80’s! I know 80’s fashion can be a little cringe inducing, but the "younger" Carrie pulls it off wonderfully. She looks fun, youthful, and absolutely fabulous. I love it.

5. Mad Men - Megan Draper

Mad Men - Megan Draper Now that Betty is out of the picture, Megan has made quite a splash on Mad Men. And by that, I mean her wardrobe! She perfectly embodies the paisley prints, and billowy blouses of the 60’s. She looks stunning! I don’t think any of the other characters top her in that department. Especially during Don’s 40th birthday shindig; what a dress!

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6. House of Cards - Claire Underwood

House of Cards - Claire Underwood Claire Underwood is always office chic, and looks polished. She’s a character who is controlled, cold and kind of stoic. But, it’s easy to see that there is much more to her than that. On top of that, seeing her look as swanky as she does is always a bonus.

7. Elementary - Joan Watson

Elementary - Joan Watson You have to admit that anything including Sherlock Holmes is sure to be quite interesting. I love that they made Watson a woman in this version, and that she looks awesome too. This former surgeon is capable, intelligent, and great at investigating. Her style is cool, casual-chic and so very New York.

All of these fashionable female characters are so good. I love that they are all different in styles and personality. It’s nice to see that their wardrobes are magnificent, which lends to them being more real characters. It’s especially great because they can help me (and you) give you ideas to amp up your own style! Which female characters on TV today have style you like?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Blair Waldorf should be number 1!

love the Carrie diaries but her boss/friend Larissa should be on this list in addition to her or instead of her. she rocks amazing vintage pieces Carrie wears a lot of current Australian and brands available on nastygal and many other characters on the show are dressed as if its present day too which is a choice the costume designer has made that I don't understand. it was the 80s - where's the over the top detailing, hair, makeup, sequins, studs, bold colors, leather... I think the wardrobe on this show kinda half asses its potential especially for such a dynamic influential character

I love the wardrobes on Suits on USA all of them are stellar

I love amer

Blair from Gossip Girl!!!

Definitely think both Serena and Blair from Gossip Girl should be up here! Along with Victoria Grayson from Revenge and Kate Beckett from Castle.. Oh the Burberry coats <3

I love zoey and her fashion ahhhh such good picks

Absolutely love Elementary!

I like a Annie Walker from Covert Affairs & Emily Thorne from Revenge.

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