8 Awesome Tips for the Perfect Shopping Experience ...


8 Awesome Tips for the Perfect Shopping Experience ...
8 Awesome Tips for the Perfect Shopping Experience ...

There are definitely a few tips for the perfect shopping experience that everyone needs to know before embarking on the adventure. Shopping can be a ton of fun or a complete nightmare, depending on whether you follow these tips for the perfect shopping experience. Shopping will (hopefully) be infinitely less stressful after you read these few tips!

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1. Find a Friend with Similar Style

While this first of all my tips for the perfect shopping experience isn’t necessary, it makes it a lot more fun. Imagine perusing the Vera Bradley store when you’d much rather be searching for good finds at a thrift store. There’s nothing wrong with either of those styles - they’re just so different. If you go shopping with a friend with similar style, you can both enjoy the entire time you spend shopping, rather than wasting your time in stores you’d never go in alone.

2. Appropriate Clothing is a Must

Not only do you want to be comfortable while shopping for hours on end, you also need to think ahead. If you wear a dress and want to try on a shirt, you can’t walk around the dressing area in your underwear. Or maybe you can. I, for one, am not that bold. Wear clothes that you know are versatile for trying on clothes in a dressing room.

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3. Comfortable Shoes

Don’t wear shoes that hurt. It should be easy enough, but I recently made the mistake of wearing brand new shoes on a full-day shopping excursion and still have the scars to show for it. Wear shoes that you know won’t make you want to cry in a few hours.

4. Have a Plan

Having a good, general idea of what you want before you go is key to having a good shopping experience. If you go in with a plan, you cut down significantly on impulse buys and focus on what you’re sure you want.

5. Keep an Open Mind

Don’t be afraid to try something on you wouldn’t normally try on! Don’t just look for shirts with stripes because that’s what you always wear. You never know what you could discover. You may find something that looks amazing on you that you never would’ve looked twice at normally! Be open to anything!

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6. Know What You like

On the same note though, it’s a good idea to generally know what does and doesn’t look good on you. Maybe you look good in a peplum style, or maybe you look good in maxi skirts. Whatever it is, know what you like and what flatters you, as it will save you a lot of time in the long run!

7. Be Friendly with the Sales Team

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! The sales staff at most stores are usually friendly and willing to help, so utilize their help when you can! Over the years my mom has made friends with most of the sales staff at her favorite stores, and while I was embarrassed by it at first, it also makes shopping much easier and more fun! They’ll find outfits for you that you normally wouldn’t put together. Who knows? They may even put together your new favorite outfit!

8. Bring the Right Friend

Bringing the right friend is key to a good shopping experience. You need to shop with someone who can be honest with you and knows what you’re looking for. It’s great to go shopping with someone who talks you out of the impulse buy but also encourages you to buy the dress that looks amazing on you, even if you have nothing to wear it to. And if all else fails, don’t be afraid to go shopping by yourself. Some people hate shopping with other people, and if that’s the case for you, shop by yourself! Don’t feel pressured to shop with other people if you don’t want to!

Shopping can either be an amazing or horrific experience depending on how you go about it! Hopefully with my tips your shopping experience is more amazing than horrific! What are your go-to tips when you go shopping? Let me know in the comments!

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Good Advice. I think if you wanted to go shopping with confidence don't forget to check the sales rack, if you didn't find what you were looking for...you might find something you love that wasn't on retail price...(it goes with open mind #5)

Why is the picture a pic from Wild fox couture's clueless

1) Don't be a broke college kid.

@kiana i know right?! On the other hand, when you do have money (i know it's a rare situation, but hey) it's SO much fun to go shopping!! Even better than when you have enough money to go shopping every week ;-)!

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