10 Common Summer Work Wear Mistakes to Avoid ...


10 Common Summer Work Wear Mistakes to Avoid ...
10 Common Summer Work Wear Mistakes to Avoid ...

Summer Work Wear can be something of a pain during these hot mid-years months, especially when it comes to choosing the right pieces! Nothing seems comfortable, cool, or cute when it's 100 degrees outside and you just want to lounge by the pool. But the summer work wear you choose is important. It says a lot about your character and your judgement. You don't want to go TOO bare, yet you don't want to cover it all up. And there are certain things you just plain avoid! So what are they? Well, If you would like to know, keep reading my article! You will be the envy of every women in the office for your fashion and intellect on summer work wear! You'll be stylin' high with these 10 common summer work wear mistakes to avoid!

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1. Do Keep Your Feet Professional-Summer Work Wear Rule #1

Shoes truly do say a lot about your level of seriousness and how much you take your job for face value. You don't need to wear skyscraper heels, but a little bit of a heel is always a good idea. Toe covering sandals with chunky straps or peep toe retro wedges and flats are a very cute summer work wear option. If you aren't a shoe addict, you should still invest in a few good pairs of cute, professional shoes that will match your work outfits.

2. Don't Wear Flip-Flops

Nothing says that you don't take your job seriously like strolling into the office wearing flip-flops does. Save the flip-flops for the beach-at the office, you need something that covers your foot. Not completely, but your toes should be covered for the most part. And if it makes a flip-flop noise, leave it at home. Wear shoes that are strapped or buckled to your foot or ankle.

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3. Do Show off with Color-Not Skin

I know, I know, during the hot summer months it's so tempting to want to bare it all. But instead of flaunting your skin, try flaunting some color! Grab a brightly colored cardigan, a bright and playful skirt, or some neon bangles. Even a flower in your hair would add a happy pop of color! You can be sexy without showing skin! Summer work wear can be super colorful and get you more attention than if you were baring all your skin! And the right kind of attention too!

4. Don't Wear TOO Much Color

One thing to be cautious about is to make sure you don't pile on too much color. You don't need to wear head to toe brights! Unless it's a one piece item like a sheath dress, tone it down. Balance out brightly colored tops or skirts with neutral accessories or neutral pieces of clothing. For instance, if you wear a colorful skirt, try a white shirt to balance it out. This is where work wear in the summer can get fun! Experiment with different things and be creative!

5. Do Bare Your Toned Arms

It's generally pretty acceptable in most office settings to bare your arms in a sleeveless top or dress. Sleeveless summer work wear is very chic and cute! Opt for a classy fabric, like a silk so that you can still be stylish. Paired with an attention-getting necklace, you will look snappy and bright eyed in a sleeveless top! Not to mention, you will be cool and you can skip the sweating all together.

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6. Don't Wear Spaghetti Straps-Summer Work Wear Mistake #1

Sleeveless summer work items are perfectly acceptable. Spaghetti straps, however, are not! Don't ever wear anything that bares your back, shows cleavage or is entirely strapless to the office! You won't get points for that. If you do wear a spaghetti strap top, make sure you have a cardigan or jacket to go over it. The rules may have changed a bit since your mother worked in an office, but they haven't changed quite that much! You need to remember that you are presenting your companies image every day!

7. Do Lighten up Accessories

Now that summer is here, you can switch your accessories over to colors like vanilla or peanut. This includes bags, scarfs and jackets, as well as jewelry. Lightening up keeps things business like, yet still airy and summery feeling, plus it gives you a change of pace in your summer work wear. Opt for leather bags in light shades, or a snakeskin material. Either one says you are serious and that you are there to get the job done!

8. Don't Carry a Black Purse

Whatever you do, avoid this summer wear mistake at all costs! Carrying a black bag or purse in summer time is plain tacky. It's completely off balance with the lightweight, airy summer clothes you are wearing! If you have black clothes, or black in your outfit then it might be ok. But who wants to wear black clothes in the summer time? Exercise your right to white and yellow and pink!

9. Do Wear Dresses You Can Breathe in

You can totally wear a summery dress to work and get by with it! You just need to make sure you have enough skin covered! Go for floaty, sheer fabrics in summery colors and balance out the girly look with some professional shoes, a cardigan and the right accessories. A belt, a few bangles or the right earrings can pull the whole thing together amazingly!

10. Don't Wear Ultra-Mini's

The worst kind of summer work wear mistake you can make is wearing ultra-tight, ultra-mini skirts and dresses to work. Yes, it may look sexy, and it may be perfectly acceptable with your boss. But the truth is, it's just plain uncomfortable in the hot summer dog days! For professional, comfortable and cute summer wear, skip these types of dresses and skirt. Wear something you will be able to move around in and not feel restricted in. Trust me, you'll be way happier!

These summer work wear do's and don'ts should have you covered for the rest of the season! As long as you follow these tips and tricks, you won't have to worry about disapproving or inappropriate stares from anyone in the office! Summer work wear can be tricky-but it's not impossible to master! Do you have any great tips for summer work wear? Please comment below, we'd love to hear from you!

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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I disagree with the black bag rule, it really depends on the specific outfit.

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