8 Trends from Childhood That Are Making a Comeback ...

Sophia Apr 27, 2012

8 Trends from Childhood That Are Making a Comeback ...
8 Trends from Childhood That Are Making a Comeback ...

Fashion trends are a funny thing. One minute a fashion trend is all the rage, the next you wouldn’t be caught dead in it. Have you ever looked back at your childhood photos and cringed at some of your outfit choices? I know I have. Funny thing is though, lately I’ve noticed some of these childhood fashion trends coming back into fashion. It just goes to show how cyclical fashion really is. The following are a few trends from my childhood that I’ve noticed are making a comeback.

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1. Jelly Sandals

Jelly Sandals If you grew up in the 80s or 90s then you’re probably well acquainted with the jelly sandal fashion trend. Clear and plastic, sometimes glittery, these shoes have adorned many a young girl’s feet. These days, stores such as Topshop are reviving the trend by introducing the jelly sandal back into it’s summer footwear range. Brands such as Melissa have also teamed up with designers such as Vivienne Westwood to give the jelly shoe a more adult twist.

2. Overalls

Overalls I loved a good pair of overalls as a child. Denim ones, especially. They were the perfect hard-working clothes for rough and tumble kids. These days, they’re enjoying a bit of a comeback thanks to being spotted on a range of celebrities and tastemakers. The humble overall, it seems, makes for the perfect off-duty outfit.

3. Printed Leggings

Printed Leggings I never thought I’d see the day where I’d consider wearing printed leggings again, but it seems that day is now. From floral to the more contemporary tribal prints, there seems to be printed leggings to suit a range of current fashion trends.

4. Sailor Collars

Sailor Collars Usually confined to cutesy kids costumes, sailor style tops are once again trending. There’s been a big emphasis on collars recently – just look at the popularity of the Peter Pan collar. It seems that the sailor collar hasn’t gotten off lightly either. A top with a sailor style collar is great for working a nonstalgic, school-girl inspired look.

5. Friendship Bracelets

Friendship Bracelets Did you every make friendship bracelets growing up? They could’ve been colourful beaded creations or carefully plaited, woven numbers. But why confine this fashion trend to childhood? There are plenty of adult versions of the friendship bracelet on offer at the moment, and they’re perfect for building up an on-trend ‘arm party’.

6. Body Glitter

Body Glitter Glitter, glitter, everywhere! This was a mantra of my childhood and it seems that it’s one that many designers have been embracing recently as well. Glitter has made a comeback in a big way and if we can’t wear it in the form of clothes and shoes then we might as well wear it on our bodies, right? Try applying a flick of glittery eyeliner for a mature take on the trend.

7. Platform Sneakers

Platform Sneakers When I think of platform sneakers and shoes from childhood, it all leads back to the Spice Girls. This was a fashion trend that, in hindsight, I thought to be quite tacky. More recently, however, designer Isabel Marant has created a wedge sneaker with a concealed platform. It quickly became a favourite of the trendsetters and followers, thanks to the current sport-inspired trend, and the look is already starting to filter into more affordable fashion stores.

8. Hawaiian Print

Hawaiian Print Hawaiian print shirts always seem to be a bit of a fashion faux pas, and I succumbed to the trend during my childhood. However, the Hawaiian print is making a comeback and looking surprisingly fashionable as well thanks to designers like Stella McCartney. Bold, botanic prints are a huge trend for summer and tropical inspired prints are the way to go.

As a child growing up in the nineties, I’ve largely been talking about fashion trends from personal experience. Some I’m glad to see back (for a little while at least) while others I’m more wary of. What are your best or worst childhood fashion trends?

Top Image Source: pinterest.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Awesome article! Thanks for sharing :)

i am the sailor collar girl! HA HA!

Awe I remember all of this! Makes me miss being 7 years old! Although as a kid, and a adult, I DESPISE Hawaiian print

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