Ways to dress better are the hot topic today, lovelies! Put those credit cards away, though, because I’m not going to be encouraging you to buy more but am sharing a few tips for dressing better you’ll be able to use immediately instead. Sound fun? Well let’s get started then! Here are the best ways to dress better I’d like to share today.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Maintenance is the Key
Even the trendiest, most expensive of garments look cheap when they are sporting numerous signs of neglect and poor maintenance! From scuffs to stains, frays and dull, faded colors – nothing will hinder your efforts to finds ways to dress better more than the good ole wear and tear attitude. Show some love, take care of your garments and you’ll be able to wear them for years to come, yet never look shabby or in need of some major wardrobe updates.
2. Embellish
Going from drab to fab in under five minutes is entirely possible! All you need are a few accessories, a desire to look your very best and a vision of what you want to achieve. Don’t be afraid to reach for your jewelry box, a scarf or a hair embellishment whenever you get the feeling that your outfit lacks a certain something to look snappy – you’ll be amazed to discover that a simple act of stacking two or more of your necklaces or matching a few bangles can totally transform your look!
3. Watch and Learn
Browsing through fashion blogs might feel like a waste of time sometimes. After all, what's the use of watching people you don’t know match and model clothes you don’t have? Right? Wrong! Fashion blogs, websites and magazines are valuable sources of ideas! Bookmark a few, visit them from time to time and you’ll be bursting with ideas and thinking outside your usual box in no time. Don’t let this tip for dressing better fall on deaf ears, lovelies! It really works!
4. Tricks, Anyone?
A perfect silhouette should not be viewed as a collection of measurements designed to send the message, “Well, guess what? You don’t have it!” Furthermore, everything you may feel you lack in truth can be overcompensated with clothes…and that’s what makes picking the perfect pieces and dressing up fun! Feel free to use those tricks fashion gurus have been collecting, discussing and revealing over the years - they’ll help you become an even better dressed version of your fabulous self.
5. Keep Your Best Pieces Ready
Did you ever stop to think about how many great outfits you may have missed wearing simply because you were in a hurry and couldn’t waste precious minutes ironing your wrinkled stuff? What about those articles of clothing that might have been a perfect choice had they been washed or dry cleaned on time? Well, there’s one tip for dressing better I’m sure you’ve figured out by now – keep your stuff clean, ironed and ready so you can just take them off the hanger and wear whenever you wish to.
6. Plan in Advance
Counting sheep is so last year and does nothing for your look anyhow! Why don’t you use those precious minutes before falling asleep to think about your outfit choices for tomorrow? You can do this in the shower too, or while styling/drying your hair, cooking, cleaning… you name it. It will help you save time and makes a good tip for dressing better too, because it allows you to think your options through and come up with the most satisfying one.
7. Pay Attention to Details
Of all the details often overlooked by most fans of a good sale, size, fit and finish are the ones you should start paying attention to more if you feel like your style could use a few tips for dressing better. Don’t try to squeeze into something for the sake of being able to say that you wear this or that size – your appearance is worth much more and this attitude towards clothing will certainly do nothing to improve it. Shop smart – check the labels to make sure the material is actually worth the price you’re paying, take a good look at a few randomly chosen stitches to ensure that you’re not buying a flawed piece and don’t go through with the purchase unless the garment in question both works for your figure and is available in your size.
When there is a will there is a way, they say, and finding a way to dress better without spending crazy amounts of money and replacing your entire wardrobe definitely falls into that category. What do you think and do you have any special tips for dressing better to share?
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