8 Best Fashion Tips of All Time ...


Whether we learned it from "What Not to Wear" or from our fashionista friends, over the years we've all heard fashion tips that helped us to not buy something, dress better, or throw out clothes and accessories we should no longer own. Guest blogger Katie from Cafe La Modais here today to share** 8 Best Fashion Tips of All Time**, perhaps you'll learn something new!

We’ve all been given ropey fashion advice at one time or another, and tips that work with one season’s fashion can send you off in the completely wrong direction for another season. But there are some ideas that hold true regardless of style or season – that if you remember them they will see you right whatever else you decide to do with your look.

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1. Don’t Buy It Because It’s Fashionable – Buy It Because It Suits You...

Whatever your budget, style and body shape, there are two types of outfits in this world – the ones that flatter you, work with your assets and make you look (and feel) great, and those that don’t. Don’t ever allow yourself to be talked into buying the latter kind – no matter how on-trend it is, or how much it’s been reduced in the sale.

2. Invest in the Basics and Shop Frivolously for the Rest...

A favourite way to justify expensive purchases is to work out a ‘per wear’ cost – so if it’s a $250 item that you’re only going to wear once, it’s tough to justify; but if it’s an item that you’ll wear on a regular basis until it falls apart at the seams, then it’s a no-brainer. Invest in good quality wardrobe basics – a classic pair of jeans, a few good pairs of shoes, a handful of well tailored shirts and suits, a couple of beautiful knits…. then you can splurge as you see fit on lower-cost accessories and have a wardrobe that’s both elegant and flexible.

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3. If You Love It and It Suits You, Buy Two!

We’ll all have seen this advice before here or there – but ignore it at your peril. It goes against the grain for most of us to buy even similar items, let alone identical ones; but you know that the way the fashion wheel turns you’ll never find that same perfect item again, and by the time you’ve spilled red wine down the front of your one, it’ll be too late. Buy two (or more!) in different colours if you need variety – or if it’s a particular style or look that’s in fashion that suits you, spend like there’s no tomorrow. The next trend might not be so kind.

4. Don’t Forget to Think Style when Buying Functional Items...

It’s easy to think of coats, knitwear, weekend bags and the like as functional items and not give too much thought to the style of them. But anything you wear or use regularly should be stylish and chic – even down to your housecoat and slippers.

5. Try Something Different on for a Change...

Shopping by habit is fine – and one of the key things about fashion is to know what suits you and stick to it. But how will you ever find new looks that suit you if you don’t try something different on every now and then? If you’re going into the change room anyway, grab something unusual or that you’d never picture yourself in – at worst you’ll have a laugh at yourself in it and congratulate yourself on being right, and at best you’ll find a whole new look.

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6. Visit a Stylist – Even if Only Once...

We can’t all afford to consult a stylist over every last wardrobe choice, but it does pay to see a stylist once in a while to get a professional opinion on what suits you, what doesn’t, and what you might never have thought of trying that really works for you. And even if you only do it once, a stylist’s advice can stay with you for the rest of your fashion-loving days.

7. Throw Things Away Regularly...

Don’t mistake a full wardrobe for a great wardrobe – it’s better to have fewer carefully chosen items than hundreds of outfits that never really hit the spot; especially if all of those outfits are creased from vying for space in your closet. Have a good clear out at least once a year.

8. Wear It with Confidence...

It sounds like something your mother would say, but nothing ruins your style more quickly than lack of confidence. If you can’t wear it with an easy smile, or if you have to fidget with it all night pulling the hemline down or the bust-line up – forget it and go for something that makes you glow with confidence instead.

Contributed by Katie Theisinger, a fashion and beauty writer at Cafe La Moda, where you can find fashion and beauty advice and inspirational tips to keep you looking and feeling great.

Are you interested in guest blogging with All Women Stalk, contact us at Diana(at)allwomenstalk(dot)com

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