11 Fantastically Creative Dresses That Will Blow Your Mind ...

Shannon Jan 20, 2014

There are so many wonderfully creative people out there making loads of creative dresses. Some fabulous creations are made at home with a kitchen table sewing machine and others are created by big name fashion designers in studios. Beautiful and creative ideas come from people of all ages and backgrounds. The results are often wonderful, while others leave you scratching your head in wonder. Here, we share with you eleven creative dresses, the materials of which will blow your mind.

1. Lovely, Fluffy Toilet Paper

Lovely, Fluffy Toilet Paper The toilet paper dress kicks off our list of creative dresses because the concept is well known and the products are almost always incredibly lovely. The texture is so flawless that you can barely tell what the dress is made of unless examined up-close. The softness and flow look haute couture. The toilet paper dress is a lovely creation of bathroom imagination genius! It looks like clouds and cotton and probably smells baby fresh. Don't wear this dress in the rain!

2. Sugar Coated Candy Wrapper

Sugar Coated Candy Wrapper I've always hated throwing those little wrappers in the trash. But, what do you do with them? I know! And so do many other people around the world: make a dress! The colors are vibrant! It looks itchy and a little sweaty. It is also very creative and loads of fun!

3. Chocolate Lovers Beware

Chocolate Lovers Beware The chocolate dress is not something to wear outside on a warm day. Nor is it a dress to wear when you are hungry or if you have a sweet tooth. All of that makes me wonder about the runway conditions necessary to showcase this piece. There are chocolate dresses which use Hershey bars and there are chocolate dresses that use specially formed pieces.

4. Cream Puff Pastry Dreams

Cream Puff Pastry Dreams The cream puff dress is so decadently extravagant and mouthwatering that it has to have been created by a French pastry chef! However, can you imagine the outrage of so much unused food? The cream puff dress is incredibly creative. It is also mouthwateringly delicious to look at. I'll bet it smells like sugar and makes you salivate in its presence. I know I would. This dress reminds me of an episode of DC Cupcakes.

5. Delicate Porcelain

Delicate Porcelain When I first saw this dress, it instantly made me feel itchy. I don't know why. Perhaps it was the thought of those shards of porcelain touching my skin. I love onion skin porcelain dishware. They are just lovely. Seeing them broken down into small bits and repurposed as dress materials elicits a mixed feeling of sorrow and excitement!

6. Balloons All around!

Balloons All around! I don't know about you, but when I think of balloons I imagine parties, clowns, and New Year's Eve! Dresses made of balloons are fun and endlessly happy! Perhaps it is because I love balloons that I think these dresses are sorta fun! That is, fun as long as you stay away from heat and sharp objects. Yikes! Because balloons are the source material, the color combination options are limited only by your imagination. Using toned down, neutral colors removes the clown factor.

7. Phone Books and Newspaper Dress

Phone Books and Newspaper Dress There are a number of dresses made with either of these materials. The paper texture of both are pretty similar - but not exactly - so we list them together. Either way, dresses made using these materials probably crinkle with every step. The overall color is pretty neutral. The crushed and wrinkled pages used in the creation add cool details to the piece. The paper is stiff enough to hold pleats, creases, and edges. These dresses, like many of the others, are an interesting way to recycle materials.

8. Money, Money, Money!

Money, Money, Money! The money dress is probably one of the more perplexing creative dresses. It looks as though it feels like feathers and smells like ink! If you need a pound or two, do you just yank one off and use it? If nothing else, it could be an interesting way to "tie up" your money so that you don't spend it.

9. Interesting Iron

Interesting Iron Yep, you read that correctly: iron. A female designer came up with an entire line of dresses made from iron. I wonder what the dresses sound like when the models walked the runway. They look incredibly creative and unimaginably heavy. However, it does not look like the models are straining under the weight of the dresses.

10. Candy Girl!

Candy Girl! Talk about a tasty treat! Or not. Dresses made of candy remind me of Halloween and birthday parties. Many dresses made of candy are incredibly colorful! Some candy dresses have peppermints, skittles, or gum balls. Almost all of the candy dresses I've seen look delicate and heavy.

11. Disposable Plates and Utensils

Disposable Plates and Utensils Unsure of what to do with all those leftover, unused disposable plates and utensils? Why not use them to fashion wearable art in a creative dress?! Similar to the toilet paper dress, the disposable plate and utensils dresses are mostly white and look like wedding gowns, but they can be colorful too!

From reusable materials to materials we might never have thought of using to make a dress, these designs are certainly creative. They show us what a little time and imagination can do. These eleven dresses are only a small part of the large variety of weirdly creative dresses. Have you seen any dresses created from unusual materials? Please, share.

Sources: vyperlook.com, oddstuffmagazine.com, oddee.com, worthstar.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Like #5. On #10 I love those chocolates especially the vanilla!

The balloon dress is amazing, wow.

Love no. 6 awesome colors and design

the money dress is the best

Wow how creative the chocolate one would melt on me though loving the porcelain one and the balloons how amazing!

Love #5 it's pretty

just wow

Can u please update on jewellery accessories websites

Omg the candy girl and the chocolate and the balloon are awesome and spontaneous

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