4 Tips on Clothes Shopping for Teen Boys ...

Diana Dec 16, 2011

4 Tips on Clothes Shopping for Teen Boys ...
4 Tips on Clothes Shopping for Teen Boys ...

The holidays are right around the corner and I'm having a difficult time finding the perfect gifts for my teens, especially clothes. You never know what to get them when their trends change every day, one minute it's hot and the next it's not! To help us figure out our teens, well maybe just their clothes, today we have the men's fashion gurus back from Style Pilot. Here are their 4 Tips on Clothes Shopping for Teen Boys...
A Quick Shopping Guide for Teenage Boys - from StylePilot.com...
Ok, we're going to give you a hand with your holiday shopping list:

You shop for yourself with no problems. Girlfriends are easy, because you know exactly what they'll like. Family can be tough, but a nice basket of baked goods will do the trick, whether they like it or not.

You have to agree that there is nothing worse than shopping for teenagers. They'll roll their eyes at you anyways, so the effort of picking out something nice is pointless. You're better off getting exactly what they want. Never mind teenage girls. You can't do it without taking them along to your shopping trip (if they're not too embarrassed to be seen in your company, of course). Boys can be a little easier, if you follow every step carefully:

Snapshot Survey

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

1. Make a List...

Write down the full specification of what they want. Boys are worse than girls when it comes to brands, style, and colour. Get one detail wrong and they'll hate the present.

2. Update Your List Often...

Before going shopping, make sure the list isn't older than two months. That's how often teens change their minds about what they want - or how often their friends change looks.

3. Shop at Several Locations...

Plan the shopping trip's itinerary with alternative locations. They all want the exact same thing, so, you're likely to find the precious item is sold out in your usual high street, which can be quite frustrating.

4. Save...

Teenage boys tend to go for very pricey jeans, trainers and t-shirts, and won't settle for a well-intentioned spin-off, like girls often do.

Style Pilotcan make life easier when you shop for men. By setting the DNA (height, colouring, shape) of the guy you can browse through clothing that suit each individual. Once you finish choosing, you'll be directed to the online retailer's website, where you can finish the purchase.

Because teenagers don't care if their clothes suit them, you can use Style Pilotto browse through the brands they're asking for. You'll easily check for availability, compare prices and get what you need without leaving home. Log on StylePilot.comand give it a try.

As for the girls, well, good luck with that…

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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Okay would a boy actually read this sense its in a WOMEN app?

I know what the boys would like and dislike

good thing i don't have children yet, lol.

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