7 Fixes for Common Undergarment Malfunctions That Work like a Charm ...

Adriana Aug 2, 2013

7 Fixes for Common Undergarment Malfunctions That Work like a Charm ...
7 Fixes for Common Undergarment Malfunctions That Work like a Charm ...

Last Sunday I was eating out and this young lady walked past me with the most common undergarment malfunctions I had ever seen, all worn together. All I could think about was why hadn’t anyone told her about all her mishaps? Now that I think about it, maybe she was just never taught that these malfunctions are indeed malfunctions, and that it is so easy to fix these little problems. So ladies I’ve created a list of 7 fixes for common undergarment malfunctions that work like a charm.

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1. Seamless Underwear

One of the most common undergarment malfunctions is seeing a panty line. It’s amazing how many people don’t think to turn around in the mirror and see if their underwear line is showing. Ladies, this looks so bad and can ruin the look of the even the cutest pants you wear. Your panty lines will even let the world know if your underwear is too big on you or too small. When it’s too big, the underwear will bunch up and when it’s too small, the seams will dig into your skin and give you lumps and humps you don’t need.

2. Say No to Clear Bra Straps

Who invented these, anyway? Clear bra straps look cheap, trashy, and they aren’t really "clear." Think about it ladies. Iif you have to wear clear bra straps because your strapless bra won’t stay up, then perhaps it’s time to get a better bra. Please go strapless or wear a garment that covers your bra straps so this trend can finally die. Clear straps aren’t fooling anyone else, so don’t let them fool you.

3. White Shirts do Not Equal White Bras

A common mistake that many women make is to wear a white bra under a white shirt or tee. A white bra will be clearly visible through a white shirt. If you don't want your bra to show, you should wear a color that matches your skin color or is a little darker.

4. Nude Underwear

Believe me when I say that investing in some nude underwear will take your outfit a long way. Even if your dress is royal blue or plum purple, all it takes is a bad material like knit or jersey to let the world know what color/pattern underwear your wearing. Having a lot of nude underwear will help you out a lot more that all those pretty patterns because they will make your outfit look more polished. This rule applies to nude bras as well. Save the pretty underwear for under your jeans.

5. Dress Slips

Summer means wearing more dresses and sometimes the sunlight can be a problem. When the sun is out and you walk towards it, the people behind you can basically see your whole body under that dress. Wearing dress slips are highly advised to avoid those issues. If you still think they are too granny-ish for you well how about all those time on Gossip Girl when Blair was changing or having her dresses taken off by Chuck. Blair was always wearing a slip underneath. Take a page from your grandma’s book and get yourself some slips.

6. Spanx

Sometimes you just need a little lift or tuck with the help of our most intimate friend named Spanx, and that’s okay. But ladies, what isn’t okay is when the Spanx don’t fit properly and they make your dress look ill-fitting or end up showing lines on your body that are unnatural. Always check the length of your Spanx to be sure that they won’t be seen when you lift your legs for actions such as walking up stairs, and check yourself in the mirror just in case you need to adjust the Spanx to get rid of any awkward creases.

7. Buy Yourself an Amazing Push-up Bra

Don’t ever be the victims of duct tape or tissues to lift your breasts. Invest in a good push-up bra and keep those ladies up the correct way. The bra will have you feeling more confident and sexy. Buy it in nude that way you can use this bra more often.

I hope I didn’t overload y'all with so much information. These 7 fixes will have you looking like a lady who can do no wrong and will save you from any embarrassing moments that may end up on Facebook. I follow these rules religiously because I am a total fashionista and would hate a good outfit to be ruined by an undergarment malfunction. Are there any other fixes you can recommend to avoid any other undergarment mishaps?

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