10 Mistakes to Avoid when Buying Lingerie ...


10 Mistakes to Avoid when Buying Lingerie ...
10 Mistakes to Avoid when Buying Lingerie ...

There are several mistakes to avoid when buying lingerie. We have all received a few pairs of sexy underwear from our partners on special occasions, but when it comes down to the in and outs of everyday lingerie, that is a task that you and only you are likely to carry out! Because of this, you would imagine that women are pretty much professionals when it comes to lingerie shopping at, but you would be amazed by just how many of us are still making mistakes in this department. To make sure that you are doing it right, here are some common mistakes to avoid when buying lingerie.

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1. Not Trying on

Not trying it on is one of the worst mistakes to avoid when buying lingerie. Sure, it can feel like a real hassle having to essentially get naked in a changing room, but you really need to try things on to know how they feel. Sizes aren’t always universal across the board in stores, and you never know how the material is going to feel until it’s on your skin.

2. Checking Size

Don’t fall into the trap of believing the hanger when it comes to picking your size. Anybody can make a mistake when putting the lingerie on display, so make sure that you always look inside the garment for the size rather than just the hanger.

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3. Consider the Level of Complication

Some of the lacier, racier numbers out there might look amazing on a model or a mannequin, but you also need to consider how complicated it might be to have to put it on by yourself! It might look incredibly sexy, but you need to think about practicality too!

4. Think about Fabric

Lingerie is intended to be sexy, but it’s also intended to be comfortable too! When browsing the choices, think about the fabric used as well as the overall style, because you are the one who is going to have to put up with things like pinching and chaffing if you make the wrong choice!

5. Not Looking at Washing Instructions

A great piece of lingerie can be ruined in a matter of minutes if you don’t pay attention to the washing instructions. Most of these garments are delicate and require special care, so if you don’t think you have time to hand wash your undies all the time, look for stuff that is machine washable!

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6. Only Buying Sets

Matching sets are cool and can make you feel really confident and sexy, but they aren’t the be all and end all of lingerie. There are loads of wonderful single pieces that you should be considering too. Making up your own sets can also be fun.

7. Not considering Comfort

You can’t just think about the look of lingerie when you are shopping for it, you absolutely have to think about the practical comfort of the pieces. You won’t be feeling sexy and confident if you are uncomfortable.

8. All Angles

You need to make sure that you look at lingerie from all angles before you decide to buy it. Little cuts here and there and missing inches on the side or back can be a surprise when you put things on at home, especially if you didn’t notice them in store!

9. Look for Deals

Lingerie can be expensive, but it’s also an area of fashion that enjoys really great sales! Always look for lingerie sales before going in and buying face value.

10. Not Confident

Don’t buy something if you don’t feel confident when wearing it. Lingerie shopping should be about what makes you feel good, rather than what you think would make your partner feel good.

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