Easy Ways to Layer without Creating Bulk ...


Easy Ways to Layer without Creating Bulk ...
Easy Ways to Layer without Creating Bulk ...

Are you looking for some easy ways to layer without creating bulk? When it comes to outdoor fashion, at this time of the year especially, the fine art of layering is something that we all need to be skilled at! Sure, anybody in the world can throw on a shirt, then a cardigan, then a blazer, then a coat, but the problems start to arise when rather than looking chic and stylish, you start to look blocky and bulky. Just because you are wearing more than one layer, it doesn’t have to mean that you are sacrificing an attractive silhouette or making yourself look too stuffed full of clothing. To set you on the right path to fashion proficiency, here are some easy ways to layer without creating bulk.

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1. Monochromatic Palette

coat, blazer, fashion, fashion model, gentleman, Try to keep your colour palette to a single range of colour, because this will have the effect of keeping you looking relatively streamlined despite having several layers on. If you try to pair together too many different colours, you might start to look a little bit like Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat, and whilst that might be a great musical, it’s not the most fashionable of looks! Sticking with one colour is my favorite of the easy ways to layer without creating bulk.

2. Layer Your Jackets and Coats

denim, clothing, jeans, eyewear, fashion model, You will have much more success layering a coat over a jacket than layering thinner layers closer to your body. There is much more room to play with when, for example, putting a coat over a tighter leather jacket instead of trying to rock two different t-shirts together. Also, any kind of denim jacket is perfect for layering because denim pretty much goes with any other kind of fabric!

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3. Overalls

clothing, jeans, denim, fashion model, shoulder, Those in the know in the world of fashion are describing overalls as the new jeans right now! Wearing a great pair of denim overalls is a stylish and clever way to add an extra layer of texture to your upper torso whilst not providing extra bulk to your middle or lower half. Wearing a tighter top underneath overalls automatically gives you two layers to work with before you have even start to look anything other than regular, and this gives you much more room to work with if you wanted to add something like a leather jacket before finishing things off with a coat. That’s four layers instantly, without really even having to think about it. If you don’t already have a great pair of overalls, it’s definitely time to invest!

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