4 Brilliant Reasons Why Bras Are the Worst ...


4 Brilliant Reasons Why Bras Are the Worst ...
4 Brilliant Reasons Why Bras Are the Worst ...

Women are always talking about why we hate bras. Do you ever wish that bras never existed in the first place? If there were the opportunity, many of us would take the escape from wearing bras. At least, I would. Even though they can be supportive, there are strong reasons as to why they are annoying to wear. Here are some of the most compelling reasons why we hate bras.

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No Perfect Fit

One of the biggest reasons why we hate bras is that they never fit right. It is nearly impossible to find a bra that fits just right. So usually we have to settle for the closest one. But after a while, they will stretch out or stop fitting due to weight change. To continuously buy bras can become quite expensive.


Unfriendly with Sweat

The summertime is the worse time to wear a bra. However, it is also the most important time to wear one, as we dress in thinner and more revealing clothes. There is no escape from sweating and the sweating that occurs under the bra is extremely uncomfortable. Plus, it can cause very gross results. I’d rather not get into too much detail.


During the sultry months, moisture-wicking materials might be a savior, but not all bras are created equal when it comes to keeping you dry. The sweat often leads to chafing and irritation in the most delicate of areas. Imagine the horror of red, raw skin on a blistering day when all you want is to feel breezy and fresh. Worse still are the potential embarrassing sweat marks that can soak through your shirt, effectively putting you on display. Sure, powders and antiperspirants offer a temporary fix, but they're yet another addition to your already high-maintenance summer routine.


Annoying to Wash

With bras, you can’t toss them in the wash like you can with other clothing. You either have to put them into a mesh bag or hand wash them with a special detergent. On drying, you have to embarrassingly hang them up in the bathroom for all your family to see. That’s fun.


Hard to Hide

We pretty much have to hide our breasts with bras while outside in the world, but then we have the nuisance of having to hide our bras as well. A strap showing itself is apparently horrible in the public eye even though we all know it’s there whether it is seen or unseen. There is also the predicament of making sure the color of the bra can’t be seen through your shirt. I’ve had plenty of moments where I put on a dark bra and grabbed a light-color shirt to only have to switch the shirt or the bra.

Hopefully, there will be a day where a woman can walk out of her home without a bra and not be scrutinized or declared indecent. But for now, we must endure our bras and try to be as comfortable as possible with them.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

The cost wasn’t mentioned. I go broke buying my bras.

I absolutely hate them,refuse to wear them,I have chest pains from chronic stress and anxiety and honestly bras hurt and cause sharp pains so I just avoid them all together

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