8 Fashion Trends Guys Hate ...


8 Fashion Trends Guys Hate ...
8 Fashion Trends Guys Hate ...

Fashion Trends that guys hate are typically ones that girls love. Do you know the things that you wear, that seem fashionable can actually grind his gears? Below, I'm going to go over the top 8 fashion trends that men absolutely hate that women won't stop wearing! Some of these fashion trends are ones that I love … so I doubt I'll stop wearing them.

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1. Uggs

How can a guy hate Uggs? Oh-em-gee, they are so, so comfortable? Well ladies, when you pull on the comfort, they do actually hate it. Uggs were at the top of the fashion trends list that men hate. Remember that this Fall when you are pulling them out of your closet.

2. Neon Anything

Okay, so this is one of the few fashion trends that I agree with. Neon anything should be kept to a minimum I think (bracelets, sometimes necklaces). You should never wear a bright, neon top or bright neon jeans. It's just … not in good taste ladies, I promise.

3. Jeggings

I'm actually surprised by this one. The reasoning behind this one is because guys thing that jeggings are stupid. Personally, I don't own any jeggings, however I have seen girls wear them before – and I have to say that I agree. Ditch the jeggings ladies, your man will be much happier!

4. Over Dramatic Make up

Men like make up – sometimes. They even like when you go without make up. When you have too much make up on though? That's when they hate it. If you have to wear make up to feel pretty, keep it to a minimum, just some lip gloss, light eyeliner, eyeshadow and some powder. Leave the heavy make up behind!

5. Leg Warmers

I had absolutely no idea that this was one of the fashion trends that was still around. I hate leg warmers. No. I mean, I hate them, despise them, would never wear them. I think that they should have stayed in the eighties and unless you are a dancer, you probably don't need to wear them out in public.

6. Harem Pants

Have you ever seen harem pants? I have and I have no idea who is bringing this fashion trend back, but stop it! They are horrible! They are so baggy around the hips and so tight around the calves and … well the whole thing is just awkward. I can see why this is one of the fashion trends that men absolutely hate!

7. Oversize Sunglasses

This is probably one of the few trends that I will still keep up with. I have a thing about oversize sunglasses, I love them. I think that they look cool and chic and hey – if Jackie O can get away with it, why can't I? Men, take a second look at this one, do you really not like oversized sunglasses?

8. Skinny Jeans

Yeah ladies, believe it or not, your skinny jeans? They actually really don't like them all that much. Yeah, skinny jeans are great with a loose tank, but most of the time, men want to leave something to the imagination and with skinny jeans, they can see your entire body.

As you can see, no matter how fashionable you are, there are many fashion trends that men just hate. I'm not saying that you need to change your style to fit your man, but maybe figure out what he likes to see you in – for date night. What fashion trends do you absolutely hate that are out there right now?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I think you know some weird guys. Guys LOVE skinny jeans….and skinny jeans are no tighter then bootcut…so unless men are very concerned with the size of your calf, they wouldn't have much new info. I have seen more too tight flares then I care to think about. Also..men don't even know what jeggings are. They look exactly like jeans. And neap goes perfecto;y with neutrals like great and beige. It looks tasteful. In fact it would look tackier in a bracelet.

These kind of articles piss me off becase women should not have to worry about what they wear just because guys hate them. You never see anything about "fashion that guys love but girls hate" I did a search and found no article of such sort (not saying one doesn't exist). But girls read this and some might think, great, I can't wear that anymore because guys don't like it? I just find this stupid and honestly, I could care less if a guy likes my tight jeans or not. Wear something for yourself!!!! Not anyone else.

I'm sorry but I love neon. Okay not banana bright yellow.. but hot pink. YES. And omg blythe ^^.

Screw imagination, but skinny jeans are jeans and that's generally bad. Jeggings can be ok, depends on the texture, patterns are out, one color fine.

As a man, I hate ALL of these things, but I'm gay,, so I'm not interested in women anyway. The one thing I hate most of all: grown women who call themselves "girls."

Terrible article! Seems more of the writer's opinions and not men's. FYI If you're writing an article there should not be spelling errors.

why should i "ditch the jeggings" for a guy? is this post written by feminism fearing extremist christians?

You should rethink skinny jeans on this list. Every guy I've ever dated has loved them, and I've gotten more dates in general wearing those than anything else. The fact that they're denim makes them low-maintenance, but the skinny part keeps you looking sexy.

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