10 Fab Ways to Update Your Closet without Spending Tons ...


We've all experienced that fashion rut, where we get tired of wearing the same outfits over and over and suddenly feel like there's nothing to wear! The solution to this problem isn't going out and buying new clothes (although that's always fun!) but first reevaluating what you already have through the steps listed below and eventually finding gaps that need to be filled (cue shopping). Keep reading for some thrifty ways to update your wardrobe!

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Get Rid of What You Don't Wear

screenshot, sense, odGirlsRevolt, The first step in updating your closet is to get rid of the "crap" so-to-speak. The stuff that you don't wear and what's worn out and old. Sort through all your clothes and decide what can be donated, what can be tailored (if it's worth the investment) and what gets thrown away.


Donate What Doesn't Fit and Flatter

room, closet, boutique, shopping, aT4, You might love an item and the way it beautifully hangs in your closet- perhaps that's the reason you bought it in the first place and just skipped the dressing room before you purchased it! If you put on an article of clothing and you find it difficult to pull an outfit together, it's time to let that piece go. It may look beautiful but it also has to fit and flatter your body, which is way more important!


Get Your Clothes Professionally Tailored

photograph, clothing, image, red, photography, There are some articles of clothing that need professional tailoring in order to fit just right and make you look great, too. Decide if a piece of clothing is worth investing money into or if it's best just to donate or toss it. More expensive clothing, particularly designer items that need tailoring are worth investing into because they last a long time.


Keep Only What You Absolutely Love

fashion, Sometimes you hang on to items because it might fit later on, it has sentimental value or it might go back in style. The rule you should live by in regards to your wardrobe, if you don't absolutely love an item and how it looks on you and makes you feel, get rid of it! If it's sentimental, box it up and keep it somewhere safe- it doesn't need to stay in your closet if you won't wear it.


Change up Your Basics with Accessories

hair, hairstyle, long hair, finger, singing, If you have certain outfits that you just love but you're bored of them, change them up with some fun accessories! A scarf, necklace, a bright bag, etc- all add a lot of life to a bland outfit.

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Build a Capsule Wardrobe

clothing, dress, Thank, you, Mommy, The capsule wardrobe has gained crazy popularity and it's based off the concept of having a minimal wardrobe that's highly functional. Think basic staple pieces of quality that can all be combined with each other to form many outfits. It's composed of everything you love and it's easy pull together an outfit for any occasion because everything goes together, including a complimentary color palette.


Put Together Outfits

display window, tourist attraction, toy, lis, tsnatcher, It will take some time but this is fun part! After you've gone through all your clothes and are left with only what you love, put together outfits for different occasions! Keep a photo library of your outfits for easy reference and rushed mornings.


Host a Wardrobe Exchange

, If you have a ton of clothes in good condition and don't want to donate, host a wardrobe exchange with your friends. Have them clean out their closets as well and bring the clothes they don't want, then host a fun girls night complete with drinks and food, and swap clothes with each other. Group items by type if you want to make things easier for everyone browsing. It'll be fun and you'll all get new clothes.


Raid Others CloseTs

color, pink, clothing, purple, dress, This is my favorite to do! Obviously don't take things without asking, but if you encourage your mom, aunts, sisters, etc to clean their closets, you can go through what they don't want to update your wardrobe. They get rid of things and you get new ones without spending a dime! It's a win-win for everyone.


Think "CPU" when ShOpping

person, fashion, singing, photo shoot, CPU-Cost Per Use. If it's something on sale that you'll wear a lot then it's worth the few dollars. If you'll only wear it for one event and are looking at spending a fortune then it's obviously not worth it. Weigh the cost and usage to find if you'll get your money's worth before spending the cash.

Hopefully these tips will help you out of your fashion rut and into a "new" and improved wardrobe! Would you care to add any other tips on how to update your closet without spending a bunch of cash?

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Use any digital closet organizer to keep track of apparel, it helps to increae cost per use and create looks from existing ones. I like MATCHBOX - Closet Organizer

These are all really good tips

I recently cleaned out my closet. It made a huge difference.

This post was very informative. There was a lot of good information that can be used.

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